Category: Applications

Developmental Biology

What is Developmental Biology? Photoacoustic tomography can be used to visualize and monitor the early stages of embryonic development and detect abnormalities that can affect maternal and fetal outcomes. PhotoSound Product Used TriTom Functional photoacoustic imaging for placental monitoring: A mini review Legion ADC Monitoring neonatal brain hemorrhage progression by photoacoustic tomography

Therapeutic Monitoring

PhotoSounds OEM Line of products is an ideal starting point for the development of custom systems where the parallel acquisition of multiple channels is required. All our ADCs are streaming and allow the continuous acquisition of data straight to the receiving computer for processing or storage. PhotoSound’s ADCs are feature-rich, they have multiple electronic and […]

Molecular Imaging

What is Molecular Imaging? Molecular imaging enables the visualization, characterization, and quantification of biological processes that take place at the cellular and subcellular levels. PhotoSound Product Used TriTom Commercial Small Animal Imaging Could Aid Disease Detection Indocyanine green dye based bimodal contrast agent tested by photoacoustic/fluorescence tomography setup A preclinical small animal imaging platform combining […]